Tell your Representatives: It's Time to Deliver!

Call ONE of the Representatives. Note: only one of these Congressmembers represents you. Find out which one here.


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Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

Thank you for passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, a long-overdue investment in our roads and bridges, electrical grids, transportation systems, clean drinking water, nationwide broadband, climate resiliency, and incentives for renewable energy use.

 Now it’s time for Democrats in Congress to make equally essential investments in the American people by passing the BBBA without any further cuts to reduce costs so working families can participate in the economic recovery. The BBBA makes historic investments in child care, home care, fighting climate change, and providing relief for millions of immigrants. We look forward to celebrating the passage of President Biden’s full agenda.


The infrastructure bill will improve the lives of Americans in all 50 states. It makes major investments in modernizing transportation, power grids, and manufacturing. It also offers incentives for renewable energy use, funds climate resilience and pollution reduction in low income areas, and brings affordable broadband to the whole country. For years, states have struggled just to shore up deteriorating systems, never mind moving ahead with the new technology and projects needed to keep America competitive. Multiple administrations and Congresses talked about addressing the problem. The term “infrastructure week” became a running joke during Trump’s presidency, because of his constant invocation of the concept and complete inability to deliver on it. But Joe Biden has delivered.

The infrastructure bill will provide close to $600 billion over the next decade in new federal spending on a cornucopia of necessary infrastructure: roads, rail, ports, water systems, bridges, dams, airports, broadband! It puts $47 billion toward helping communities deal with the impacts of climate change. And as Biden has stressed, it will create jobs, the vast majority of which would not require a college degree. As he puts it, “This is a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America.” 


The italicized paragraph (and numbers) above are quoted from:

Indivisible Statement on the Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package, Rule on Build Back Better, 11/5/21
Biden and Democrats' Build Back Better plan in summary: Paid leave, climate funding, and other priorities, 10/23/21, Vox


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: