Tell your MoC's - Don't back down on National Defense Authorization Act that restricts the President's war powers.


Senator Dianne Feinstein

SF Office: (415) 393-0707
DC Office: (202) 224-3841
LA Office: (310) 914-7300
Fresno Office: (559) 485-7430
San Diego Office: (619) 231-9712

If you can't get through to one office, try another.  There is no benefit to calling one office over another. Leaving a voicemail is as good as reaching a live person. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.

Senator Kamala Harris

SF Office: (415) 981-9369
DC Office: (202) 224-3553
Sacramento Office: (916) 448-2787
LA Office: (213) 894-5000
San Diego Office: (619) 239-3884

Call the SF office first, but try the other offices if you can’t get through. If you can’t get a live person, leave a voicemail and also send a follow-up email written in your own words. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.


Note: only one of the following two Congresswomen represents you. To find out which one, click here.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

SF Office(415) 556-4862

DC Office: (202) 225-4965

Call the SF office first, but try the DC office if you can’t get through. If you get voicemail, hang up and try a few more times to talk to a real person. Don’t give up! Short direct messages are most effective. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.

Rep. Jackie Speier

San Mateo Office(650) 342-0300

DC Office(202) 225-3531

Keep calling if you don’t get through. Voicemails are logged daily into a central report across offices. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

In the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) conference committee negotiations I urge you to continue holding the principles adopted by majority vote for HR.2500. In addition to no authorization of funds for Trump's border wall, the final bill must include repeal of the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs, no military action against Iran without congressional authorization, no U.S. participation in or funding for Saudi Arabia's genocidal war in Yemen, and no transfer of nuclear technology to the Saudis.

Furthermore, I support the October 23rd letter to House and Senate Democrats signed by 44 progressive organizations. And if American participation in the Yemen war is not blocked by the NDAA, I urge you to sue the Trump Administration for violating Article I of the U.S. Constitution by continuing the war even after Congress voted against it.


It is now being reported that House and Senate negotiators are trying to finalize a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that may be voted on before the Thanksgiving recess. The only real power Congress has is in the Power of the Purse and the NDAA is the time and place for them to at long last exert their foreign-policy powers against an unrestrained autocrat who – if left unchecked by congressional authority – will unilaterally take ever more dangerous and outrageous actions.

After the 9/11 attack in 2001, Congress passed an Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda who were responsible. That AUMF has since spawned 18 years of war in more than two dozen countries against a wide variety of individuals, groups, and governments which have left us less safe and more vulnerable to terror than before. Based on phony information, in 2002 Congress passed an AUMF authorizing Bush II's Iraq War where American troops are still in harms way after all rosy the political predictions and promises have proven to be false.

From the springboard of those two AUMFs, we have been drawn into participating in and supporting Saudi Arabia's war of genocide in Yemen despite majorities in both houses of Congress voting to end our involvement. Recently, Trump unilaterally shifted U.S. troops from fighting ISIS and defending our Kurdish allies to occupying the Syrian oil fields in clear violation of international law and custom. So long as Congress lacks the will to exert their constitutionally mandated authority, Trump will continue to act and react unilaterally for his personal benefit regardless of harm to our national security.

H.R.2500 - National Defense Authorization Act

Joint Letter to Congressional Democrats: Oppose NDAA That Doesn’t Put Checks on Trump, 10/23/19

Why Congress Needs to Reassert its Power to End Endless War, 11/14/19 (AFSC)


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: