Thank your MoC's for supporting the ongoing impeachment investigation, and tell them to be thorough and strategic.

Note: only one of the following two Congresswomen represents you. To find out which one, click here.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

SF Office(415) 556-4862

DC Office: (202) 225-4965

Call the SF office first, but try the DC office if you can’t get through. If you get voicemail, hang up and try a few more times to talk to a real person. Don’t give up! Short direct messages are most effective. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.

Rep. Jackie Speier

San Mateo Office(650) 342-0300

DC Office(202) 225-3531

Keep calling if you don’t get through. Voicemails are logged daily into a central report across offices. Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

Thank you for proceeding with a broad, complete, thorough, and public impeachment investigation of Trump's crimes and those of his administration in the past weeks. Please do not rush this crucial investigation. Take as much time as needed to expose ALL impeachable offenses.

Republicans will not allow a fair trial in the Senate, so the House investigation must function as the trial. No articles of impeachment should be sent to the Senate until public pressure ensures that a vote for conviction is possible.


After explosive impeachment hearings in the Intelligence Committee last week, new hearings are being scheduled by the Judiciary Committee for the coming week. It’s not clear when the articles of impeachment will be ready, but we stand by our statement that the House Democratic leaders must act strategically to make sure impeachment does not end up squashed in the Senate.

So long as the House considers impeachment, Democrats control the stage and drive the public narrative. If that continues into 2020, it helps rather than harms campaigns against Trump and campaigns around the policy issues that derive from the Trump/Republican agenda.

But once the House votes out articles of impeachment, control of the stage and public narrative shift to Moscow Mitch and the Republican Party who will limit, constrain, and shape the trial for their benefit. There is no way they will permit Democrats to mount an effective case against Trump in the Senate. Therefore, the real prosecution has to be carried out through public testimony in the House investigation committees -- that's the only real chance Democrats will have.

Omar Little of "The Wire" told it true, "You come at the king, you best not miss." As matters now stand, there are not yet 20 Republican senators with the courage to vote against Trump. If the senate fails to convict, Trump's sense of absolute impunity will have been confirmed by a Senate vote and the Republican "vindication" juggernaut becomes a propaganda tsunami. And once Trump no longer fears impeachment, he becomes free to rule by declaration and decree.

There's no way to know what crimes an unconstrained Trump administration might feel free to commit, from retaliatory investigations of political allies, to blatant election tampering, to even more brazen corruption in the executive branch.

Therefore, Democrats must take as much time as needed for a comprehensive and detailed investigation of all the facts. No articles of impeachment should be sent to the Senate until the votes for conviction are there.

No matter how long it takes.


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: