Tell Your Senators: No Democratic-Party Votes for the Trump/Musk Coup!

Call BOTH of your Senators.


Call Script

My name is _______ and I am a constituent. My zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” – Martin Luther King.

Do not cooperate with, or enable, the Trump/Musk administrative coup. 

  • Vote NO on any Budget Bill or Resolution that does not include ironclad requirements that Trump/Musk must obey and execute the laws as adopted by Congress – even if it means a government shutdown.

  • Vote NO on any Budget Bill or Resolution that increases Pentagon, law enforcement, and ICE funding, while slashing domestic safety net budgets – even if it means a government shutdown.

  • As a senator, use your power of filibuster to block extremist Republican bills – even if it means a government shutdown.


Trump/Musk's unilateral and unconstitutional assertion of authority to slash legally-authorized funding, summarily terminate civil service employees for political reasons, and ignore budget laws at their whim, nullifies the congressional "Power of the Purse." By doing so, they are destroying the Constitutional checks-and-balances on which our democracy rests. Yet Congress still has the power to push back by refusing to enact budget-related legislation that acquiesces to or finances  the Trump/Musk coup – if they summon the will and courage to use their power. 

Yesterday, Trump/Musk's Republican enablers in the House rammed through a Continuing Resolution (CR) on a party-line vote that slashes domestic spending and increases military & police funding while at the same time facilitating the unconstitutional administrative coup. 

Today, they are trying to do the same in the Senate. But Democrats have the power to filibuster against the Republican CR. Republicans need seven Democratic votes to overcome such a filibuster. If no more than six Democrats cave-in and vote to enable the Trump/Musk administrative coup, the CR cannot pass. 

Throughout human history, "silence has equaled assent." Any Democrat who votes "AYE" on the CR is tacitly accepting Trump/Musk's destruction of the Constitutional checks-and-balances foundation on which our democracy has rested since our nation's founding. Democrats who vote "AYE" on the CR are neutering the political power we elected them to wield on our behalf and enabling the Trump/Musk administrative coup. 

If the Republican CR fails in the Senate, and no substitute is enacted, major segments of the federal government will shut down at midnight Friday. Wannabe autocrat Trump and his Grand Vizier Musk are already unilaterally crippling or shutting down as much of the domestic safety-net portions of the government that they can – so a long shutdown suits their long-term goal of government Of the CEOs, by the Lobbyists, for the Billionaires

But the American people hate government shutdowns, so Republicans will do whatever they can to blame the Democrats for a shutdown. Democrats and people-power organizations like Indivisible must do everything we can to win the battle of public opinion and place responsibility for a shutdown where it belongs – squarely on the Repubican Party. With Congress so evenly divided, if just a few Republicans reject the extremism of their leaders, fair and just budget legislation can be passed and Trump forced to step back from his power-grab. It's up to us to make that happen. 


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: