Tell Your Senators : Take a Stand Against Supreme Court Corruption.

Call BOTH of your Senators.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have displayed a disturbing level of corruption and bias, with Alito openly sympathizing with insurrectionists. I ask that you call on Senator Durbin and the Judiciary Committee to investigate them, and do everything in your power to make it happen.


From Indivisible National:

The Supreme Court has a corruption problem. 

Clarence Thomas has been accepting lavish gifts and luxury vacations from far-right billionaires who want to buy influence over the court. Brett Kavanaugh had his debts mysteriously paid off before his confirmation hearings. 

And now, Samuel Alito has been caught flying symbols associated with the January 6 insurrection at his homes, on at least two separate occasions.

He was displaying his loyalty to the MAGA Movement for his whole neighborhood to see at the same time that the Supreme Court was considering whether or not to take up Trump’s election challenge lawsuit. And now,  the Supreme Court is about to release decisions on two more cases related to January 6, including whether or not Trump has immunity for his role in inciting the whole thing. 

It’s clear that Alito cannot be a fair and impartial arbiter of the law. In fact, our democracy is in danger the longer he is on the bench. He cannot be allowed to rule on any cases related to Trump – especially if there’s an election challenge that makes it to the Court this November. 

We need Congress to act now to hold Alito, and all the corrupt MAGA justices, accountable. The Senate Judiciary Committee has the power to investigate Alito, but Chairman Durbin has already said they won’t pursue an investigation. That’s unacceptable. 


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: