Tell our Members of Congress: Skip Netanyahu’s Speech

Call BOTH of your Senators.


Call ONE of the Representatives. Note: only one of these Congressmembers represents you. Find out which one here.


Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend. Resisbot now allows you to send text directly to the White House the same as with Members of Congress. If you use Resistbot or write an email to your elected officials, make sure to use your own words. Copy-pasted emails are discounted by Congressional staff. In-depth, personal stories are most effective.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I am outraged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to address Congress. 

Netanyahu is corrupt and continuing the war in Gaza for his own political gain. His relentless bombings of hospitals and refugee camps have killed tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. He has made it clear that he is more interested in his far-right agenda than in bringing an end to the brutal war and securing the release of the hostages. Having him speak to Congress would undermine efforts by President Biden and the international community to end the war and get desperately needed aid to the people of Gaza.  

I request you to say No to Netanyahu and skip his address. You must send a clear message to him that you do not support his prolonged war or the bloodshed it has caused and take a stand in support of a ceasefire. 


The Call-To-Action is from Indivisible National:

Washington, D.C. — Today, Indivisible announced ‘No to Netanyahu,’ a campaign driving activist calls and emails to Congress demanding lawmakers skip Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress:

“Netanyahu has spent the last 9 months starving Gaza and waging a disastrous campaign of slaughter. He’s all but spit in the faces of families’ of the Israeli hostages waiting for a solution to bring their loved ones home. He’s shown a clear preference for continuing and escalating the violence, rather than working towards the peace deal that’s on the table.  The last place he belongs is at the podium addressing Congress” said Leah Greenberg, co-founder and co-executive director of Indivisible. “We’re calling on every pro-democracy and pro-peace lawmaker to stop treating him like a statesman, and start treating him like the person he is: a cynical mini-Trump who's prolonging bloodshed so he can stay out of prison. Congress must demonstrate that they not only disagree with, but refuse to dignify, Netanyahu’s governance, continued brutal attack on Palestinians, and indifference to the fate of hostages. They must not attend this speech.”

Indivisible is driving constituent calls to Member’s offices as part of the ‘No to Netanyahu’ pressure campaign.

The above call script is from the Indivisible National call scripts (House ; Senate)



This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: