Thank your Representative for supporting H.R. 51 (DC Admission Act)!

Call ONE of the Representatives. Note: only one of these Congressmembers represents you. Find out which one here.


Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend. If you use Resistbot or write an email to your elected officials, make sure to use your own words. Copy-pasted emails are discounted by Congressional staff. In-depth, personal stories are most effective.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

With a vote in the House on H.R. 51 (Statehood for DC) this week, Congress can put an end to the legacy of voter suppression and racism and give D.C. residents equal representation.

Thank you, [Speaker Pelosi/Representative Speier] for supporting H.R.51.



We’ve got to look back at the struggle for Black Americans to work, vote, and even simply exist in this country, as we work to dismantle the systems of oppression that have made their subjugation possible. We can draw a line from the Jim Crow South to the ongoing civil rights movement to the fresh wave of voter disenfranchisement bills targeting BIPOC Georgians to the struggle for representation and statehood in D.C. to the unwillingness of prosecutors to charge police officers for murder -- they all stem from this nation’s foundational white supremacy.

Democracy reforms like D.C. statehood are critical to ensuring a truly representative democracy for all Americans.

D.C. residents still don’t enjoy full civil rights: racist politicians have prevented the plurality-Black, majority-minority city D.C. from becoming a state precisely because they want to maintain their white political power.

We can’t forget that America was founded on the oppression of Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color (BIPOC). Weeks like this make it painfully obvious how much more work we have to do in the path towards a democracy that works for all of us.


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: