Tell your Reps to vote NO on HR 22, HR 28, and the GOP Priority List


Call ONE of the Representatives. Note: only one of these Congressmembers represents you. Find out which one here.

Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I urge the Representative to vote NO on HR 22, the SAVE Act, which would disenfranchise millions. I also urge the Representative to vote no on HR 28, the anti-trans bill, and all other bills in the GOP priority list.


The Republican-controlled 119th Congress is now in session, and its priorities are as outrageous and upsetting as we feared. Now’s the time to make sure our federal elected officials do everything they can to prevent the GOP wishlist from passing. 

The silver lining is that Republicans have their slimmest majority ever in the House, which makes it that much easier for our representatives to stop these bills in their tracks. But we can’t afford any complicity—we need to make sure there are no Democratic defections in standing strong against the MAGA agenda. 

Our current main concerns are:

  1. HR 22, the SAVE Act, which requires eligible voters to present citizenship papers in order to vote for federal office, which would disenfranchise millions. 

  2. HR 28, which will force schools to exclude trans children from sports.

Call your Representatives and tell them: vote NO on HR 22 and HR 28, and any bill in the GOP wishlist.


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: