Tell Your Members of Congress: Stop the Dirty Deal AGAIN!

Call BOTH of your Senators.


Call ONE of the Representatives. Note: only one of these Congressmembers represents you. Find out which one here.


Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend. Resisbot now allows you to send text directly to the White House the same as with Members of Congress. If you use Resistbot or write an email to your elected officials, make sure to use your own words. Copy-pasted emails are discounted by Congressional staff. In-depth, personal stories are most effective.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I strongly oppose any effort to attach Manchin's anti-environment, big-oil wish-list "dirty deal" to must-pass legislation such as the NDAA, CR, or appropriation bills.

Instead of sabotaging the effort to defend us from the climate emergency, you should end or extend the debt ceiling to protect us from Republican blackmail.


As we noted back in September, Democratic Party leaders made a "side deal" with Senator Manchin to support fossil fuel-friendly legislation that Manchin wanted in order to secure his vote for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with its significant climate-emergency provisions. At the time, the deal was described as legislative support for completing a gas pipeline in West Virginia, later it was learned that it significantly weakened the permitting process nationwide to facilitate oil, gas, and coal extraction, transportation, and processing – and make it far more difficult for local communities and environment organizations to amend or block filthy and climate-endangering projects 

However, as the press release from Food and Water Watch notes, the expected provisions are devastating.  “This fossil fuel wish list associated with the Inflation Reduction Act side deal, the so-called Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), is a cruel and direct attack on environmental justice communities and the climate writ large, … Moreover, we oppose tethering this legislation to any must-pass legislation. It is unacceptable to sacrifice the health, self determination, and prosperity of communities in Appalachia, the Gulf Coast, Alaska, the Midwest, the Southwest, and other frontline communities around the country.” At least one permitting bill proposal has attempted to truncate environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act.

We agree with the progressive Democrats threatening to vote no on the NDAA if this provision is attached.


Indivisible SF previous Call to Action: Tell Your Members of Congress: No Dirty Deals in the Continuing Resolution! | Indivisible SF - September 2022

Democrats try to salvage Manchin’s deal on energy permitting reform - The Washington Post - 12/4/2022 

Odd bedfellows fight Manchin's permitting deal - The Washington Post  - 12/6/2022

Progressives are threatening to vote against the annual defense bill if it includes permitting reform language - Politico, 12/5/2022

Progressives push back on effort to put Manchin permitting deal in NDAA | The Hill - 12/5/2022
Groups Blast Manchin Ploy to Include Dirty Deal in Defense Bill | Common Dreams - Press Release 12/5/2022


This Week's US Congressional Call Scripts: