Tell your Assemblymembers: Oppose Diverting Community Mental Health Funds to Jail Programs


Assemblyman David Chiu (CA Assembly District 17)

Sacramento Office: (916) 319-2017

SF Office: (415) 557-3013 

Assemblyman Phil Ting (CA Assembly District 19)

Sacramento Office: (916) 319-2019

SF Office: (415) 557-2312


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I’m calling to urge the Assemblymember to vote NO on SB 665. This bill will divert funds from community mental health programs to jail-based mental health programs overseen by the Sheriff’s department. It's another instance of prioritizing policing over community services that keep people from being criminalized. Vote NO on SB 665. thank you.


State Senate bill 665 would divert funds from the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), which provides for community mental health programs, to jail-based mental health programs, overseen by the sheriff’s department. It's another instance of prioritizing policing over community services that keep people from being criminalized.It has been passed by the State Senate and will soon come up for a vote in the Assembly. Urge your assembly members to vote no.

Read more about the bill here on the webpage by the National Alliance on Mental Illness.


This Week's State and Local Call Scripts: