Demand an Environmental Retest of the SF Shipyard


Note: only one of these two Congresswomen represents you. To find out which one, click here.

Leader Nancy Pelosi

SF Office: (415) 556-4862

DC Office: (202) 225-4965

Call the SF office first, but try the DC office if you can’t get through. If you get voicemail, hang up and try a few more times to talk to a real person. Don’t give up! Short direct messages are most effective.

Rep. Jackie Speier

San Mateo Office: (650) 342-0300

DC Office: (202) 225-3531

Keep calling if you don’t get through. Voicemails are logged daily into a central report across offices.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I am calling to ask the Congresswoman to make a public statement acknowledging last week’s discovery of a radioactive object near homes in the SF Shipyard, and demanding that the entire area be re-tested. I expect the Congresswoman to stand up for her constituents’ health and safety.


The EPA declared the SF Shipyard-Hunter’s Point a Superfund site in 1989 and subsequently the US government has spent more than $1 billion on cleanup. It was recently discovered that cleanup for at least two parcels of this land have been fraudulently conducted, with contaminated soil from the site secretly shipped to landfills all over the state. After public outcry, Nancy Pelosi has negotiated a plan with the Navy to retest part of the Shipyard, but experts have said that proposed tests are insufficient. Last week, a radioactive object was discovered next to a housing area that had been declared free from contamination for more than a decade. 

Radioactive object found near homes at Hunters Point shipyard, SF Chronicle, Sept. 13, 2018

Navy’s Hunters Point retesting plan draws on questionable cost-cutting study, SF Chronicle, Sept. 16, 2018

State will test developed portion of Hunters Point Shipyard, but critics say it won’t be enough, SFGate, June 19, 2018

Navy does damage control for Pelosi, Feinstein and Lennar as it continues to claim Treasure Island and Hunters Point Shipyard are ‘safe’, SF BayView, July 5, 2018


This Week's US House Call Scripts: