Democracy is under attack. Stand up—fight back!

As the Declaration of Independence puts it, Governments derive their just powers from the Consent of the Governed. We express that consent through elections—the winner of the election has the majority’s consent to govern. The election must be trustworthy, trusted, and respected for that Consent and the Government built upon it to be legitimate.

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Peter Hdemocracy, elections
Indivisible SF's Demands on Legislation and Policy for the 4th Emergency-Relief Bill

Democrats are currently drafting a 4th Emergency-Relief bill which they refer to as "CARES2." Based on the principle of putting people first, and drawing on work from Indivisible National and other organizations, ISF has developed a list of 36 principles, economic relief provisions, and national policies that we believe need to be included in the bill in order to combat the pandemic and rescue the economy in a manner that is fair and just for all. We will pursue this agenda with the MoC’s staff in virtual meetings and continued email exchanges. Read our letter below or check it out here.

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Indivisible National staff are Unionizing! ISF stands in solidarity with Indivisible National staff.

Today, we learned that the staff of Indivisible National are forming a union! The staff are our longtime colleagues and good friends, and have done incredible work to advance progressive legislation, unite the resistance, and launch powerful initiatives. At Indivisible SF, we stand in solidarity with the staff of Indivisible National. We’ve sent a letter to the leaders of Indivisible National urging them to recognize the union. Read it below.

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Anna KrasnerIndivisible