Tell your Supervisors and Mayor: Stop Family Evictions in SF

Call your Mayor.


Call ONE of the Supervisors. Note: only one of these Supervisors represents you. Find out which one here.

Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I'm calling to express my deep concern about the 90-day eviction policy at our homeless shelters."

[Main Talking Points to use:]

1. "I strongly oppose the 90-day limit policy for families in shelters, which was reintroduced in November. This policy is harmful and puts vulnerable families at risk of homelessness in a city with a notorious lack of affordable housing."

2. "Recently, two families with young children were nearly evicted due to this policy. While they received a reprieve, the issue isn’t solved, and many other families also face the same threat."

3. "The claim that this policy is 'good for families' and 'creates flow in the system' is misguided. In reality, it causes unnecessary stress and instability for already struggling families."

4. "I urge you to reconsider and overturn this 90-day eviction policy immediately. Families need stable housing solutions, not arbitrary time limits that force them back onto the streets."


"Thank you for your time and attention to this critical matter. I look forward to hearing about concrete actions to overturn this harmful policy."

Additional Notes

  • Be polite but firm in your tone.

  • If speaking to staff, ask them to relay your message to the Mayor or Supervisor.

  • Personalize the script with your own experiences or observations if applicable.

  • Be prepared to provide your contact information for a follow-up response.

  • Remember, consistent pressure from constituents can make a significant impact on policy decisions. Please encourage others to make similar calls to amplify this message.


On March 10, 2025, San Francisco faced a critical situation when two migrant families with young children were nearly evicted from a Catholic charity-run homeless shelter due to a controversial 90-day shelter limit policy. This policy, reintroduced in December 2024, has put numerous vulnerable families at risk of homelessness. The affected families included a Honduran couple with two children in kindergarten and third grade and a single mother from Peru with a second-grader. 

Despite Mayor Daniel Lurie's previous statement that families working with case managers would not face eviction, these families were initially denied extensions beyond the 90-day limit. The situation sparked protests and criticism from advocacy groups, school teachers, and community members, highlighting the urgent need for a more compassionate and sustainable approach to addressing homelessness in San Francisco.  

While these families received a reprieve, many others face the same 90-day shelter limit policy. The Mayor and our Supervisors are implementing a policy that forces vulnerable families onto the streets, exacerbating San Francisco’s homelessness crisis. This misguided approach increases the number of unsheltered individuals in our city and exposes families to potential dangers and criminal activities. Rather than addressing the root causes of homelessness, city officials are unfairly shifting blame onto these struggling families, ignoring the well-known scarcity of affordable housing in San Francisco. This shortsighted policy fails to acknowledge the complex challenges faced by homeless families and the severe lack of accessible housing options in our city.

Further Actions

Faith in Action Bay Area is leading the effort to ask Supervisor Jackie Fielder (District 9) to sponsor a resolution asking the Mayor to immediately stop the eviction policy.

They are also looking for people to:

  • Attend a meeting with the Recently Arrived Families Committee and my Supervisor to ensure the resolution is passed.

  • Accompany immigrant families in their immigration check-ins or hearings

  • Support with English-Spanish translation

  • Donate to support basic needs of immigrant families

If you are interested in signing on for any of these actions, please visit their action website here.



This Week's State-Level Call Scripts