Stop Trump Admin from Screwing the Poor by Redefining Poverty -- Deadline June 21st


Submit a comment to the OMB opposing the rule change to lower the poverty level by reducing yearly cost of living increases for the poor.

You can also email comments to, with the subject line “Directive No. 14.”

Finally, you can fax comments to Nancy Potok, Chief Statistician, Office of Management and Budget, 202-395-7245.

Comments are due this Friday, June 21 before 9.00 p.m. PST.

For an explanation of the proposal and problems you can describe in your comment, read the primer here.

For more information, see IEB’s post on this matter.


Every year, eligibility for programs including Medicaid, Affordable Care Act insurance premium subsidies, SNAP and school meals, and home heating and cooling assistance is determined relative to the federal poverty line. That measure is adjusted annually for inflation. The Trump Administration’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is now considering changes to the ways inflation is calculated, which would result in an inflation measure that would increase more slowly over time. If implemented, fewer people would be eligible for assistance, because their incomes would be higher than the new guidelines allow. Over time, millions of people would be affected, including children, seniors, people with disabilities, and others who are poor or near poor.

More information is here: