Oppose National Labor Relations Board rule that will attack workers’ rights to organize and collectively bargain - Deadline Nov. 13


Please post a public comment directly with the NLRB, in opposition to their proposed rule on the Standard for Determining Joint-Employer Status here. (Deadline Nov. 13).

Sample Comment

[NOTE: It’s recommended to use your own words and tell a personal story as to how this ruling could affect you.]

“I strongly oppose the National Labor Relations Board’s proposed rule on the Standard for Determining Joint-Employer Status.

The National Labor Relations Act gives employees the right to join together in union and collectively bargain with their employer. However, over the last several decades, corporate practices have eroded this fundamental right. Corporations increasingly rely on contingent and alternative workforce arrangements. These arrangements, and NLRB decisions that have severely limited responsibility for all entities that affect workplace conditions, have allowed corporations to avoid both responsibility for violations of labor law and the bargaining table. Workers are not able to bargain effectively if all entities that meaningfully affect their terms and conditions of employment are not accountable under the law.

In 2015, the NLRB decided to go back to the original interpretation of the law, which is more consistent with the purpose of the NLRA. This interpretation limits the ability of CEOs to dodge their obligations to be at the bargaining table and ensure that large corporations do not profit from labor law abuses while escaping any liability. Unfortunately, corporate lobbyists have convinced a majority of the NLRB members to reverse course and close their eyes to the realities of the 21st century workplace and the methods corporations are using to stop working people from achieving improvements in wages, benefits, and all other essential terms and conditions of employment from all entities affecting them. As a result, the proposed rule encourages large employers to employ workers indirectly through intermediaries to sidestep bargaining—at the expense of workers.

I urge the NLRB to stand up for working people, fulfill its mission of “encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining,” and not move forward with its proposed rule redefining the joint employer standard by unnecessarily and illegally limiting it.”