An Open Letter to President Biden, VP Harris, Senators Feinstein and Padilla, Speaker Pelosi, and Rep. Speier

An Open Letter From Indivisible SF

On behalf of our 1000+ members in San Francisco, Indivisible SF wishes to express our appreciation to the Biden-Harris team for their bold legislative proposals to combat the pandemic emergency, and we look forward to the forthcoming economic-relief package. We applaud your decision to issue day-one and week-one executive orders addressing the Covid, economic, climate, and racial-equity crises that grip our nation. And we stand with you as you labor to not only reverse the grave damage done to America and the world by the Trump administration and its Republican sycophants but also to move us forward into the 21st Century.

To our four representatives in Congress, we express our thanks in advance for what we know will be your unwavering support for bold and effective action on the manifold emergencies and crises that must at long last be addressed. We urge you to stand strong, and resist all attempts to water down or obstruct the measures, provisions, and new initiatives that we your constituents so desperately need and desire. And from the deepest depths of our being we demand that you hold fully accountable Trump and all other officials who are guilty of criminal acts so that America once again stands for the fundamental principle that No one is above the law and that wealth and political power do not confer impunity from justice.

And finally, to you who are our incoming hope, we express our deep yearning for a future that is free of the racial and ethnic persecution & scapegoating of the past, a future that provides affordable quality healthcare and education for all, a future in which economic justice and equality of opportunity apply to all strata of society, and a future in which We the People can fully and freely vote and participate in a true democracy for all regardless of race, gender, creed, origin, orientation, or background.

Indivisible SF Steering Committee