Indivisible San Francisco (ISF) believes that elections should be decided by the candidates' positions on issues rather than attack ads, personal slanders, dark money, gerrymandering, and voter suppression. So we asked ISF members to pose questions on crucial political issues that they wanted each candidate to answer. We compiled them into a common questionnaire that was sent to both campaigns. Below are the answers provided by the Pelosi and Remmer campaigns to our issue-oriented questions.
Unfortunately, despite numerous attempts including personal contacts, the Pelosi campaign failed to return their answers. Some of our questions had been previously asked prior to the June primary, and Pelosi's answers to those questions are shown here. For the new questions her lack of response is indicated by "N/A" for Not Available.
The Remmer campaign failed to respond to both the primary and general election questionnaire so all of her responses are N/A
For a few questions the Pelosi campaign provided a more extensive answer than just "Yes" or "No." To see those answers, click on the "Yes", "No", or “See Paragraph” answer (click on "Back" to return to the question grid).
For information on state and local races click here.
ISF Issue Questions |
Pelosi |
Remmer |
Will you vote for legislation to close the many Fair Housing Act of 1968 loopholes that allow continued systemic racial discrimination in housing? | YES | N/A |
Will you support legislation requiring Justice Department review of all police killings of non-white people? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to eliminate privatized “for-profit” prisons? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to replace prison sentences with GPS tracking, community service, job training, and mental health treatment for nonviolent offenders? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to repeal the “Hyde Amendment” that prohibits/limits federal funding for abortion? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote to defend and maintain funding for the family planning and health care services offered by Planned Parenthood? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to ensure marriage rights for LGBTQ people and prohibit discrimination against them under the guise of “religious liberty?” | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to create a national single-payer “Medicare-for-all” type health-care option? | SEE PARAGRAPH More | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation that fully funds and expands the VA and opposes privatization of VA services so that all veterans get the care they need? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to establish a national $15/hour minimum wage for all workers, including “tipped” and domestic workers? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation that protects Social Security by removing the income “cap” and requiring everyone to pay SSI taxes on all forms of income? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote to repeal the 2017 Tax Scam Bill, increase the capital gains rate to equal that for earned income, and restore a fair and progressive tax system? | N/A : [Note: Representative Pelosi said in the primaries that she would vote to repeal the Tax Scam bill] | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation that would put in place a guaranteed minimum income? | N/A | N/A |
Will vote for legislation to restore net neutrality? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to end all subsidies to the fossil-fuel extraction industry? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to reinstate the EPA environmental-protection policies that have been reversed by the Trump Administration? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to level the playing field for renewable energy by taxing fossil fuels and providing incentives for renewables? | N/A | N/A |
Will you insist on compliance with the War Powers Act and vote for legislation that repeals the open-ended “Authorization for the Use of Military Force” (AUMF)? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation similar to S.200/HR.669 banning the first-use of nuclear weapons without a congressional declaration of war? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to cut bloated defense spending so we can use those funds for health care, education, job training, housing, and infrastructure? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to negate or circumvent the effects of Citizens United? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for national legislation to ban restrictive voter ID requirements and restore voting rights to convicted felons? | N/A : [Note: Pelosi answered "yes" to "will you vote for legislation to ban restrictive voter ID nationwide] | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation requiring secure, voter-verifiable voting systems and create a government agency to protect the integrity of U.S. elections? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for a Constitutional amendment stating that free, high-quality, public K-12 education is a fundamental human right of American children? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to reduce student debt and increase financial aid with a long-term goal of tuition-free public colleges? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation such as the Dream Act that that provides an expedited path to citizenship for DACA youth and their families? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to protect and retain family reunification programs, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and the Diversity Lottery? | YES | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation to simplify the immigration process and eliminate multi-year or decade-long waits for visas or permanent residencies? | N/A | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation prohibiting child-parent separation & indefinite family detention, detention camps on military bases, and for-profit detention facilities? | N/A | N/A |
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, will you support legislation or action to remove judges appointed by the Trump Administration? | N/A | N/A |
Will you support the impeachment of President Trump for malfeasance in office, abuses of power and breaches of the public trust? | N/A More | N/A |
Will you publicly declare that firing Mueller or impeding his investigation is an impeachable offense? | SEE PARAGRAPH More | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation requiring that candidates for federal office including President and Vice-President provide five years of complete tax returns to voters prior to balloting? | N/A : [Note: Pelosi answered YES to the previous version of this question, which only addressed the office of President] | N/A |
Will you vote for legislation requiring universal background checks of gun buyers, regardless of where the gun is purchased -- online, in a store, or at a gun show? | YES | N/A |
Will you work to reinstate an assault weapons ban? | N/A | N/A |
Will you commit to at least 3 town-halls each year if you are elected to represent us? | N/A | N/A |
- Will you vote for legislation to close the many Fair Housing Act of 1968 loopholes that allow continued systemic racial discrimination in housing?
- Will you support legislation requiring Justice Department review of all police killings of non-white people?
- Will you vote for legislation to eliminate privatized “for-profit” prisons?
- Will you vote for legislation to replace prison sentences with GPS tracking, community service, job training, and mental health treatment for nonviolent offenders?
- Will you vote for legislation to repeal the “Hyde Amendment” that prohibits/limits federal funding for abortion?
- Will you vote to defend and maintain funding for the family planning and health care services offered by Planned Parenthood?
- Will you vote for legislation to ensure marriage rights for LGBTQ people and prohibit discrimination against them under the guise of “religious liberty?”
Will you vote for legislation to create a national single-payer “Medicare-for-all” type health-care option?
Health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the wealthy few. We need to have all options on the table. My priority is to defeat the relentless Republican attempts to rescind the Affordable Care Act. None of the other approaches — Medicare for All, allowing those 55 and older buy into Medicare, or a public option — can prevail unless we protect the Affordable Care Act, which has given over 20 million Americans health care, prevented insurers from discriminating against millions of people with pre-existing conditions, and freed over 100 million Americans from lifetime limits on their coverage. The path to single payer is in the Affordable Care Act, which allows states to act as laboratories to demonstrate the effectiveness and cost savings of public option and single payer programs.
- Remmer N/A
- Will you vote for legislation that fully funds and expands the VA and opposes privatization of VA services so that all veterans get the care they need?
- Will you vote for legislation to establish a national $15/hour minimum wage for all workers, including “tipped” and domestic workers?
- Will you vote for legislation that protects Social Security by removing the income “cap” and requiring everyone to pay SSI taxes on all forms of income?
- Will you vote to repeal the 2017 Tax Scam Bill, increase the capital gains rate to equal that for earned income, and restore a fair and progressive tax system?
- Will you vote for legislation that would put in place a guaranteed minimum income?
- Will vote for legislation to restore net neutrality?
- Will you vote for legislation to end all subsidies to the fossil-fuel extraction industry?
- Will you vote for legislation to reinstate the EPA environmental-protection policies that have been reversed by the Trump Administration?
- Will you vote for legislation to level the playing field for renewable energy by taxing fossil fuels and providing incentives for renewables?
- Will you insist on compliance with the War Powers Act and vote for legislation that repeals the open-ended “Authorization for the Use of Military Force” (AUMF)?
- Will you vote for legislation similar to S.200/HR.669 banning the first-use of nuclear weapons without a congressional declaration of war?
- Will you vote for legislation to cut bloated defense spending so we can use those funds for health care, education, job training, housing, and infrastructure?
- Will you vote for legislation to negate or circumvent the effects of Citizens United?
- Will you vote for national legislation to ban restrictive voter ID requirements and restore voting rights to convicted felons?
- Will you vote for legislation requiring secure, voter-verifiable voting systems and create a government agency to protect the integrity of U.S. elections?
- Will you vote for a Constitutional amendment stating that free, high-quality, public K-12 education is a fundamental human right of American children?
- Will you vote for legislation to reduce student debt and increase financial aid with a long-term goal of tuition-free public colleges?
- Will you vote for legislation such as the Dream Act that that provides an expedited path to citizenship for DACA youth and their families?
- Will you vote for legislation to protect and retain family reunification programs, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and the Diversity Lottery?
- Will you vote for legislation to simplify the immigration process and eliminate multi-year or decade-long waits for visas or permanent residencies?
- Will you vote for legislation prohibiting child-parent separation & indefinite family detention, detention camps on military bases, and for-profit detention facilities?
- If Trump is impeached and removed from office, will you support legislation or action to remove judges appointed by the Trump Administration?
Will you support the impeachment of President Trump for malfeasance in office, abuses of power and breaches of the public trust?
- Pelosi N/A
[Note: this is Pelosi's last answer to "will you support the impeachment of President Trump for abuses of power and breaches of public trust?":"We will see what evidence Special Counsel Robert Mueller presents to the American people. Impeachment is a very serious matter that should not be politicized. If this issue moves forward, it has to be a bipartisan initiative. As Democratic Leader of a diverse Caucus, I believe we must allow the Special Counsel to follow the facts wherever they may lead to, and make a determination afterwards."
- Remmer N/A
Will you publicly declare that firing Mueller or impeding his investigation is an impeachable offense?
The firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller will ignite a constitutional crisis. We will not let that happen. Led by the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee Congressman Jerry Nadler, Democrats have introduced legislation to safeguard Mr. Mueller from any attacks. We must be vigilant and continue to protect Mr. Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
- Remmer N/A
- Will you vote for legislation requiring that candidates for federal office including President and Vice-President provide five years of complete tax returns to voters prior to balloting?
- Will you vote for legislation requiring universal background checks of gun buyers, regardless of where the gun is purchased -- online, in a store, or at a gun show?
- Will you work to reinstate an assault weapons ban?
- Will you commit to at least 3 town-halls each year if you are elected to represent us?