Senator Adam Schiff
SF Office: TBD
DC Office: 202-224-3841
LA Office: TBD
San Diego Office: TBD
Fresno Office: TBD
Mailing Address: Sen. Adam Schiff, SD-B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510
Email: Sen. Schiff’s email contact form
If you can't get through to one office, try another. There is no benefit to calling one office over another. Calls are tracked by zip code and by position on the issue about which you are calling. Therefore, it's best not to combine multiple issues per call but to make separate calls for each issue about which you are concerned. Leaving a voicemail is as good as reaching a live person. Both are treated equally. All calls are consolidated and reported to the D.C. office daily.
Hate the phone? Resistbot is your friend. If you use Resistbot or write an email to your elected officials, make sure to use your own words. Copy-pasted emails are discounted by Congressional staff. In-depth, personal stories are most effective.