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Showing Up for Racial Justice SF Dialogue

SURJ SF Dialogues invites you to join us in a year-long exploration of the SURJ Values so we can reflect, grow, and continue working toward personal and collective liberation in alliance with BIPOC. SURJF SF dialogues are participatory events designed for, but not exclusive to, white people committed to anti-racism who want to examine issues of identity, privilege, racism, and white supremacy. Individuals at all stages of their anti-racist journey are invited to join us. We encourage your participation in as much of the series as possible, but you are always welcome to join for individual sessions too.

All sessions are free to join and will be held on Zoom from 12-2pm PT the first Sunday of every other month. The next event in our series will be held on 4/2/23 and will focus on Calling People In & Growing is Good.