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Watch the recording of the event above. The text below is the description of the event from before it occurred.

The road to the House majority runs through California.

We have the power, right here in California, to take the Speaker’s gavel out of GOP hands by mobilizing grassroots volunteers statewide. We can do the work to sweep six key seats—five flips and one hold—and stop destructive MAGA stunts. Our state can put Congress back on the path to governing.

The MEET THE CANDIDATE interviews are the first events co-hosted by the brand new California Grassroots Alliance, formed to offer Indivisible and other grassroots volunteers focused six-district strategy, effective tools, and fresh intel. Following each lively 45-minute candidate interview, Indivisible Sonoma County’s Tom Benthin will facilitate a wide-ranging participant discussion about the target district, the candidates, and the election outlook for re-taking the House via California victories.

Bring a friend, list your questions, and get ready to activate!

RSVP here.