Join Democracy Action as we focus on the Federal as we fight to turn the Senate blue! With competitive races happening all across the country, it’s important we call voters in battleground states to make sure Democrats keep the seats they already have in order to secure a Senate majority in 2018. We'll also call for US House races, as well as state-level races like Governor through coordinated campaigns.
We’re open from 1pm–5pm SUNDAY; feel free to stop by at whatever time works best for you. Don't worry, if you've never done phone banks before we will train you on-site.
Bring a charged cell phone AND a laptop, iPad, or tablet.If you don't have a laptop or tablet, please contact and we may have a spare you can use. (We can always use more laptops, so if you have a spare one you'd be willing to share, please bring it with you.)
If you’re driving, it’s usually very easy to find parking around 23rd Street and Tennessee Street. On Muni, take the T Third line inbound (outbound if you’re coming from Bayview) and get off at the stop on 3rd Street at 23rd Street.
If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you: