Public comment: Defend the Point Reyes Tule Elk! (Deadline Sept. 23rd)

Submit a public comment to Point Reyes National Seashore, telling them not to kill Tule Elk!

Point Reyes National Seashore recently released its plan to cap tule elk populations at 120 animals, which means killing as many as 15 elk a year. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, this plan “would enshrine cattle grazing as the primary use of a huge swath of the National Seashore, at the expense of native wildlife and natural habitats”.

From the Center of Biological Diversity’s website:

Tule elk are an ecologically critical part of the landscape of Point Reyes, while cattle-grazing permits in the national park are a privilege for a few livestock owners. Ranch leaseholders shouldn't be able to dictate Park Service policy that hurts or kills park wildlife. The Park Service is required to manage Point Reyes National Seashore without impairing its natural values and for the maximum protection, restoration and preservation of the local natural environment.

Public comments are being collected until Sept 23rd. Please send your comment to the National Park Service.

The Park Service will be soliciting further public input through two meetings in Marin County: