Protect Community Choice energy from being handed over to the CPUC!


State Senator Scott Wiener (CA District 11)

Sacramento Office(916) 651-4011

SF Office(415) 557-1300


My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I'm calling to ask Senator Wiener to vote NO on AB 56, which has made it to the Senate. This measure threatens the right of Community Choice programs to procure electricity, a core responsibility under the Community Choice enabling law AB 117.

Can I count on Senator Wiener to vote NO on AB 56 on the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications?

State Assemblyman Phil Ting (CA Assembly District 19)

Sacramento Office(916) 319-2019

SF Office(415) 557-2312

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I'm calling to ask Assemblyman Ting to vote NO on SB 155, which is now in the Assembly. This bill would cede local control of Community Choice energy programs to the CPUC. Adding bureaucracy to local control is meant to weaken CCAs ability to compete with PG&E.

Can I count on the Assemblyman to vote NO on SB 155?

Community Choice Aggregates (CCA) provide non-profit renewable energy competition to Investor Owned Utilities (IOU), like PG&E. The existence of CCA's have moved IOUs to provide solar/wind portfolios in addition to providing renewable energy to consumers. AB-56 & SB-155 threaten to weaken CCAs and relieve competition to IOUs to provide renewable energy.


After the rolling brown-outs in California of the early 2000s, we learned Enron had swindled the state of California for $45 billion. Afterwards, California moved to secure energy generation from outside influence and generate electricity from renewable sources. Community Choice Aggregate (CCA) energy was created in 2011 under AB 117. CCA’s are a decentralized, non-profit energy system that generate electrons from renewable sources (wind/solar).

  • SB 155 – Hearing date is Wednesday, June 26. Would increase CPUC control over Community Choice energy programs. Away from local community control.

  • AB 56 – Hearing date is Tuesday, July 2. This measure threatens the right of Community Choice programs to procure electricity, a core responsibility under the Community Choice enabling law AB 117.

Please urge your state legislators to vote no on these bills.