Protect the Mueller Investigation


Senator Diane Feinstein

SF Office: (415) 393-0707
DC Office: (202) 224-3841
LA Office: (310) 914-7300
Fresno Office: (559) 485-7430
San Diego Office: (619) 231-9712

If you can't get through to one office, try another.  There is no benefit to calling one office over another.  Leaving a voicemail is as good as reaching a live person. 

Senator Kamala Harris

SF Office: (415) 981-9369
DC Office: (202) 224-3553
Sacramento Office: (916) 448-2787
LA Office: (213) 894-5000
San Diego Office: (619) 239-3884

Call the SF office first, but try the other offices if you can’t get through. If you can’t get a live person, leave a voicemail and also send a follow-up email written in your own words.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I urge the Senator to not only support but insist on passage of legislation that to protect Special Counsel Mueller's  investigation of Russian election interference and related matters. For weeks now rumors have been swirling that Trump is going to fire Attorney General Sessions or Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, or force them to resign so that he can put someone in charge of the investigation who will bring it to an end, despite its obvious importance and self-evident success.

The Senator must act quickly to defend Robert Mueller and the rule of law that protects us all. No one should be above the law or allowed to suppress investigations of their own crimes.

As you know, last April, the Senate Judiciary Committee adopted legislation to protect the Special Counsel's investigation by a bi-partisan 14-7 vote. That legislation was prevented from coming to the floor for a Senate vote.

I urge the Senator to introduce into the Senate as a bill for immediate consideration the language that she herself voted for in committee. If McConnell refuses a floor vote force his hand by refusing all procedural requests for “unanimous consent.”


This Week's US Senate Call Scripts