Solidarity: Support Access to Safe Abortion

On June 24, 2022, extremists at the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Ten states made abortion illegal by the end of the day, five more have laws that will criminalize it within weeks, and a total of 26 states are certain or very likely to ban abortion entirely. 

Even in California, which has multiple laws protecting the right to abortion, people struggle with barriers of distance and affordability. That’s only going to become more urgent as people from states where abortion is restricted or banned travel to California for care. So we must step up.

Here is what you can do right now to help:

  • Clinics across the country are either facing legal challenges in their own states or seeing an influx of patients from other states—or both. Pick one and make a donation; if you’re nearby, offer to volunteer or ask them how else you can help.

  • Abortion Access Front maintains an Adopt-a-Clinic list where you can see a clinic’s Amazon wish list and send something it needs, from office supplies to cozy socks for patients.

  • Support abortion funds. These are grassroots organizations all over the country that help people pay for abortion care and everything it takes to access it, like child care or transportation. Spread the word that they exist, and if you can, donate to a fund in a state that’s restricting abortion access or one in a state that people are traveling to for care they can’t get at home.

  • Meet patients’ immediate needs (like a ride, a safe place to stay, or gas money) by volunteering with your local abortion fund or practical support group.

  • Learn about and share information about at-home use of medication abortion.

  • Get support for miscarriage and self-managed abortion by calling or texting M+A Hotline at 833-246-2632.

  • Get information about self-managed abortion and the law from Repro Legal Helpline, a project of If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice.

  • Learn about clinics and legal restrictions in each state at, a vetted, regularly updated directory that does not save any search or user data.

  • To talk to someone about all pregnancy options, call the All-Options Talkline at 888-493-0092 from anywhere in the US or Canada.

Other References 

Roe v. Wade: What You Can Do is a page of resources that is regularly updated by the individual who maintains it. Find it at