Tell your Assemblymembers: Restore net metering! Vote YES on SB 1374.


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Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

 Last year the CPUC blocked rooftop solar for renters, schools, and farms. SB 1374 will reverse the CPUC’s terrible decision. Please ignore the utility misinformation about rooftop solar. Electricity bills are too high because of out-of-control utility spending. Rooftop solar saves all ratepayers billions of dollars per year. Don’t fall for the utilities’ trick. Stand up for working people’s right to have solar.


Recently, the California Public Utilities Commission took away “net metering” for multi-unit properties. Net metering is the way that people who generate more solar power than they use can send it back to the grid and see their electricity bill reduced. So, as it stands now, PG&E can charge renters, schools, farmers, and so forth without regard to the surplus electrical power that they send back! It’s a huge hit to the incentives to install solar power, the opposite of what we need with the burgeoning climate crisis.

SB 1374 by Sen. Becker will restore net metering. Having passed the Senate by 28 votes to 7, it is coming before the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee next. (The Assembly has killed other good energy bills recently, like AB 1999 that would’ve repealed last year’s authorization of exorbitant utility basic connectivity rates.)

Here’s a 4-minute video on SB 1374 promoted by the Indivisible CA Green Team:

Video - SAY NO TO UNCONTROLLED UTILITY SPENDING — California Solar & Storage Assoc. (CALSSA)


This Week's State-Level Call Scripts