Oppose nominations of Wheeler (EPA), Vitiello (ICE), Farr and Kobes (Judiciary)


Senator Dianne Feinstein

SF Office: (415) 393-0707
DC Office: (202) 224-3841
LA Office: (310) 914-7300
Fresno Office: (559) 485-7430
San Diego Office: (619) 231-9712

If you can't get through to one office, try another.  There is no benefit to calling one office over another.  Leaving a voicemail is as good as reaching a live person. 

Senator Kamala Harris

SF Office: (415) 981-9369
DC Office: (202) 224-3553
Sacramento Office: (916) 448-2787
LA Office: (213) 894-5000
San Diego Office: (619) 239-3884

Call the SF office first, but try the other offices if you can’t get through. If you can’t get a live person, leave a voicemail and also send a follow-up email written in your own words.


Call Script

My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Indivisible SF.

I ask the Senator to oppose the appointments of Andrew Wheeler as head of the EPA, Ronald Vitiello as Director of ICE, Thomas Farr to the Federal District Court, and Jonathan Kobes to the Circuit Court of Appeals.

I'm strongly opposed to these individuals being confirmed to these positions. Thank you.


Andrew Wheeler:

President Trump intends to make permanent the appointment of former coal industry lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as head of the EPA, a move that would ensure the continued de-regulatory push at the agency.

Ronald Vitiello:

As a top official at CBP, Vitiello helped oversee the separation of more than 2,500 immigrant families in the Trump administration’s greatest self-inflicted humanitarian crisis.

Thomas Farr:

Farr has a notorious track record of supporting blatant gerrymandering and voter suppression practices that target poor communities of color "with surgical precision."

Jonathan Kobes:

Kobes is a strong opponent of reproductive rights and, as a member of the NRA, strongly opposes any form of common-sense gun safety.


This Week's US Senate Call Scripts